Friday, November 9, 2012

Best Home Business Ideas for Retirees | Open Economist

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Th??? ?r? ??m? ?f th? b??t home business ideas f?r retirees:

? Aerobics Instructor: Th?? m?? ???m odd f?r ? retiree, but ?f ??u h?v? ?n extra room, ?r basement ??u ??n convert ?t ?nt? ? work-out studio, ?nd hold classes f?r ?th?r retirees. It doesn?t h?v? t? b? high impact; ?t ??n b? ??m?th?ng l?w impact l?k? Tai Chi, ?r Pilates.

? Freelancer: If ??u love t? write stories, research subjects, ?r draw, ??n??d?r b???m?ng ? freelancer. Y?u ??n work wh?n ??u w?nt to, ?nd th?r? ?r? plenty ?f business owners l??k?ng f?r content. Ju?t d? ? Google search f?r freelance work ?nd ??u w?ll find m?n? websites wh??h w?ll match ??u u? w?th businesses wh? n??d ??ur specific talents. Aft?r ? job ?r two, ?f ??u d? good work, th?t business w?ll continue t? contact you. Y?u ??n build ? nice portfolio ?f contacts ?n v?r? l?ttl? time.

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? Ezine Publisher: If ??u love t? garden, read, cook, etc., ??u ??n turn ??ur hobby ?nt? ? business venture. Create ?n online newsletter ?nd share ??ur knowledge. On?? ??u gain subscribers, ??u ??n start t? sell advertising ?nd m?k? ? lucrative income.

? Family Tree Researcher: Th?r? ?r? m?n? people wh? w?nt t? research th??r family history, but ?u?t don?t h?v? th? time. Y?u ??uld charge b? th? hour ?nd m?k? ? v?r? nice income. M??t ?f th? information ??n b? f?und ?n th? internet thr?ugh sites l?k? ? Menu Planner: Families ?r? busy ?nd n??d ?ll th? extra h?l? th?? ??n get. On? ?f th? obstacles t? healthy eating ?? planning. Y?u ??uld d? u? weekly menus based ?n ??ur clients? n??d? ?nd tastes. If th?? ?r? local, ??rh??? ??u ??uld ?v?n d? th??r shopping f?r ?n extra fee.

? Website Design/Marketing: If ??u ?r? creative, ??u ??n start ? website design business. Th?r? ?r? n?w online businesses starting u? ?v?r? day, ?? th?r? ?? ample opportunity f?r ? steady supply ?f n?w clients.

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