The following sessions (plenary presentations, workshops, poster presentations, symposium, and papers) were presented in the 17th International Conference (18th -20th Feb, 2012 Kathmandu (Phase I) and 22nd ? 23rd, Feb 2012, Chitwan (Phase II))
In the workshop What is a task? Prof Rod Ellis suggested that ?task? is a fuzzy construct and that therefore it is not possible to determine whether an instructional activity constitutes a ?task? or an ?exercise?. This workshop provided participants with an operational definition of a ?task? and then explored to what extent it could be used to distinguish tasks from non-tasks by examining a variety of instructional activities. In addition, participants examined how they could modify ?exercises? to convert them into ?tasks?.
In the session Consciousness-Raising Tasks for Grammar Teaching, he began by explaining the difference between two types of second language (L2) knowledge ? implicit knowledge and explicit knowledge. It then considered the role that explicit knowledge plays in both the use and the acquisition of an L2. One way of developing explicit knowledge pedagogically ? through consciousness raising tasks ? was discussed in terms of both its advantages and its limitations. A framework for designing such tasks was presented by examining ?data? and ?implementation? options. A number of studies that were investigated consciousness ? raising tasks were discussed.
Angi Malderez in On Stories in ELT expressed, ?Have we forgotten to use the oldest didactic technique we have? This talk provides a current rationale for the use of stories in ELT. The talk was illustrated by, and demonstrated the use of four stories ? one for a primary language classrooms, one for a secondary classroom, one for teacher development, and one for mentor development. Sources for more stories are also provided.? And in On Noticing she expressed, ?In this workshop, participants will be involved in exploring the importance of noticing in effective teaching and teacher development, and in some of the many challenges we all face in noticing accurately. How to use what we have noticed to manage our own on-going learning is discussed, and a recent term in education ? learnacy ? is also introduced.?
In the presentation Vocabulary Building as a Response to Students? Present and Future Needs Prof F. Stoller expressed, ?Our students are typically the first to tell us that they are either at a loss for words or that they desperately need more vocabulary. And from our own experiences learning other languages, we know how critical vocabulary is for speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Although students can learn a lot of vocabulary incidentally, through language input, they benefit greatly from explicit attention to vocabulary learning in the classroom. In this presentation, we?ll explore important principles of effective vocabulary teaching and learning that can be used with students at all proficiency levels. Emphases will be placed on vocabulary selection criteria, principled ways to teach vocabulary, teaching techniques for recycling vocabulary, and instructional options that encourage students to see key words in relation to other words.?
In the workshop Techniques for Developing Students? Reading Fluency she said, ?Second language reading is a complex skill that requires main idea comprehension, discourse awareness, vocabulary learning, reading strategies, reading for different purposes, motivation, and fluency (Grabe, 2009; Nation, 2009). Sadly, fluency training is often neglected even though research has demonstrated that it contributes to reading comprehension abilities. Teachers sometimes believe that they lack the time to devote to fluency training; they assume that students will develop fluency on their own; and/or they are unaware of the many activities that can be integrated into their classrooms to promote reading fluency. Workshop participants will be introduced to the key elements of reading fluency (e.g., automaticity, accuracy, reading rate, word- and passage-reading fluency) and then explore various ways in which reading fluency can be addressed in the classroom with existing reading materials.?
Aaron P. Campbell?s presentation Guided Imagery for Language Learning focused on the use of text, photos, audio, and video as the primary means of content delivery in language learning. However, how often do we draw upon the imagination of our learners for the same purpose? The presenter introduced a guided imagery technique used in EFL classes with Japanese university students. In addition to giving participants a chance to experience the technique firsthand, the presenter also shared feedback from learners who practiced the technique repeatedly over a semester.
Afsana Laila and Ashik Sarwar?s presentation The Interior of EFL Classroom and the Tertiary Learners in Bangladesh focused on whether there was motivational and de-motivational relationship between the student?s peripheral learning and the interior design of an EFL classroom at the tertiary level. The focus of this study was on the environment, specially, the decoration of the classroom, the shape of chairs and musical background. The survey was on the Bangladeshi tertiary level of education where most classrooms are designed in such a way that they unintentionally develop learner?s tension affecting learning. This study drew on the Suggestopedic method that was concerned with affective filter and positive learning outcome.
Amber Powers? presentation How to Make Exams Fair and Useful deliberated the assessments that come in all shapes and sizes, but one of the classic assessment tools is the written exam. This presentation discussed the benefits of creating term and mid-term exams and reviewed the rules for designing effective and fair exams for students in English medium classes. Moreover, it also looked at the examples of effective and ineffective test questions and tasks, and reviewed the process for designing, giving, and correcting tests. Amber Powers? another presentation How to Teach While Students Play focused on all children who are born with a natural curiosity and love of learning. In this session, the presenter discussed easy ways to teach and assess younger students through playful, hands-on activities. They presented real examples from public school classrooms where teachers transform lessons from English medium government textbooks into engaging, rich learning experiences that efficiently teach students important concepts and vocabulary.
Amitpal Kaur?s paper Innovations: Crux of ELToffered some innovative classroom practices for the promotion of originality and divergent thinking through the teaching of English. They include issues like approach to teaching, role of learners, assessment methods and use of language outside the class. Creating humorous situations help to achieve useful results. In that, learners need to be self-motivated and tasks should provide multiple interactions.
Ananda Sharma and Laxman Gnawali?s presentation on Dictionaries and Foreign Language Learning discussed the importance of dictionaries in teaching and learning language cannot be stressed too highly. Often, however, the language users simply confine the use of dictionaries in finding word meanings, spelling and pronunciation. However, in fact, dictionaries come closer than grammars and textbooks to dealing with language as a totality. A good dictionary contains information on grammar, usage status, synonym discrimination, application of derivative affixes, and distinctions between spoken and written English. Such information is barely found in any grammar or textbook even in rudimentary fashion. Thus, the dictionary becomes an indispensable weapon in teacher?s arsenal, and discussions on its preparation and practice seems important in every teacher-training program.
Anil Gaman Ahire?s The Bonding of Culture and Language in the Language Learning Process
dealt with the teaching situation and teaching methods used in English Language Teaching (ELT) that needs to be changed to involve culture instead of language knowledge only. Teachers need to know to what extent cultural background knowledge influences language learning and teaching, and how teachers can take advantage of that influence in listening, speaking, reading, and translating.
Aniruddha Burm?s presentation MI Theory can be Used for Teaching and Learning of English
focused on language games and songs can be very effective tools in language teaching. Visits to places of environmental degradation can be made a source of teaching and learning both language and literature. Group Discussion, debates, quiz programmes, dramatization, seminar etc may be other ways of teaching language and literature. Charts, tables, diagrams, pictures can also be used for teaching language.
Anongnard Nusartlert?s presentation The effect of Thai Orthography on English Final Consonants Pronunciation deliberated that the Thai orthography (Karunt) is used for expressing the absence of sound especially when transcribed from foreign language into Thai. The objective of study was to analyze whether it affects English final consonants pronunciation. The data was collected from 10 Thai native speakers by reading target words. The analysis shows that Thais pronounce English final sound partly in accordance with their orthography and final sound pronunciation according to English loan words in Thai under constraints. It can be concluded that Thai orthography partly play important role on English pronunciation.
Antara Basak expressed in the presentation Classroom Action Research: An Effective Technique for Teaching Plan that carrying out the action research, he selected the students of class VIII of a school to check their efficiency in the use of ??s? and ?-es? morphemes with the third person singular number in present indefinite tense.
Arup Ratan Das in Primary Teachers? Attitudes towards English Language Teaching and Learning expressed that teachers? attitudes are a crucial variable in any change (of materials, methods, etc.) in teaching-learning process. The introduction of new materials and methods need to be supplemented with the change of teachers? attitudes and beliefs. English in Action (EIA), a language development programme is currently piloting a facilitative pedagogy to teach communicative English in Bangladesh. EIA aims to engage students and develop teachers? practice through innovative classroom resources. This session explored primary teachers? attitude using the new methods and materials.
Ashley Hager?s presentation Using Literature to Encourage Critical and Creative Thinking and English Language Proficiency dealt with learning how to use books, other than text books, to encourage critical and creative thinking and to promote English language proficiency. More specifically, teachers would understand the difference between critical thinking and memorizing, use fiction and non-fiction children?s books to ask questions to encourage critical and creative thinking and to design lessons use children?s books to design lessons that promote English language proficiency.
Ashok Sapkota and Mahendra Poudel?s presentation Choice of Languages by Nepalese Multilingual Speakers concentrated on Multilingual speakers? aims to explore the different contexts where multilingual speakers use different languages. It tried to find out the attitudes of the participants towards the language they speak. The study revealed the fact that multi lingual speakers use different languages in various domains. Mainly eight domains: family, friendship, religion, education, job, business, mass media and health were taken in the study. The study tries to find out how multilingual speakers were benefitted by using multiple languages which help to reflect their multiple identities in context of Nepal. Likewise, Sapkota?s another presentation on Bringing E-technologies to EFL Classroom dealt with the use of several internet sources such as: blogs, ELT websites, several texts related video clips useful for higher secondary schools and web-based resources that are useful in the EFL classroom. It provided a practical on-line discussion to create blogs, search for ELT materials through web, and participant in the discussion shared their classroom experiences or problems related to it. It also tried to focus on the different teacher related on-line resources and the discussion forums that are useful for teachers? professional development.
Ashutosh Ramakant Vardikar?s paper Teaching of Grammar: A Task-based Approach clarified that grammar teaching is an essential part of teaching of English language. The first part of the present paper briefly looked at basic issues in teaching grammar and discusses the principles of teaching grammar, as well as procedures that could be used in the classroom. The second part showed how grammar could be taught communicatively. It also described the characteristics of a good grammar task and how such tasks could be constructed.
Glocalizing Teaching of English as Communication by Avinash Yograj Badgujar mentioned that a problem in the teaching of English as communication in the rural scenario has come into particular prominence over the past few years; the presenter suggested a way in which it might be resolved. The problem is that students from rural area, who have received several years of formal English teaching, frequently remain deficient in the ability to use the language and to understand its use, in normal communication, whether in the spoken or written mode.
Vygotsky?s Theory of Scaffolding to Develop Students Reading and Writing by Babita Sharma Chapagain expressed when students learn new topics and begin new tasks, they may not have prior knowledge of the topics and tasks introduced, so they start panicking from where to begin or what to do. If their teacher ignores this reality, it can create a blockage that slows or hinders students? learning process.
Barbara Law in Increasing Fluency and Speed in Reading discussed that fluent reading is essential to academic success. However, most texts students and teachers read are at either the instructional or the frustration level. It is difficult to increase reading and fluency when a reader has to struggle with vocabulary, complex sentence structure and unfamiliar content. This practical workshop demonstrated ways to increase fluency and speed in reading. Together participants read sample texts and discussed ways of improving their reading.
Bhawana Pokhrel?s presentation Essay Writing: Challenges and Fascinating Facilitation mentioned that writing is an arduous activity. This paper explored strategic approaches to facilitate learners/writers to write better essays creatively at the expense of less effort. It focused on starting strategies, innovative ways for generating ideas, ending strategies and know-how of the transitional words.
Bhirawit Satthamnuwong?s Teaching, Learning and Sharing: Implementing Genre-based Approach in a Writing Course proposed a genre-based lesson plan for teaching writing. Burns and Joyce?s Teaching-Learning Cycle model (1991) is implemented which includes four stages: ?hands-on? exploration of the genre; analysis of the rhetorical structure and lexico-grammatical features; joint-construction; and individual text construction. Learners explored the genre meaningfully and purposefully by scaffolding tasks, co-operative learning, and negotiation of meaning though class and group discussion.
Textbook in Action? Through Technology by Bikash Chandra Sarkar and Malcolm Griffiths presented a scenario in Bangladesh. The national primary English textbooks in Bangladesh intend to focus on a communicative approach, yet there is little opportunity to practice listening and speaking skills in the classroom. English in Action (EIA) aims to improve communicative skills using innovative methods and materials.
English for Academic Purpose to the Students of Science and Technology by Bir Bhadur Shahi and Suvash Gautam highlighted the different activities carried out in English by the science and technology students, asking whether or not there is compatibility between the needs specified by the science and technology students and teachers. The major focus of the paper was to suggest to teachers, students and planners how science can be taught effectively through English.
Shadowing and Summarizing: Developing Fluency and Accuracy with Inspiring Stories by Brian McMillan presented the opinion that shadowing is the complete or partial repeating, either silently or out loud, of another person?s speech. By shadowing stories, learners can internalize phrases and grammatical structures which can later be recycled as they retell the stories, leading to improved fluency and accuracy. In this session, participants were shown how to introduce shadowing to their students, and tried shadowing and summarizing with stories that can motivate learners and promote new ways of thinking. Ideas for using split stories, action logs, class newsletters, and shadowing with movie scenes were also discussed.
Brian McMillan?s Curriculum and Materials Design for False Beginner to Pre-Intermediate Learners showed how teachers at a Japanese university planned an EFL course for non-English majors, designing learning materials targeting language from the A1 to B1 levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Participants viewed and discussed sample lessons and feedback collected from teachers after initial classroom trials. Other aspects of the course, including vocabulary learning, speaking tests, autonomous learning activities, and classroom language policies were also discussed.
Paraphrasing Strat?gies & Techniques by Caroline Ouyang focused on English language learners? composition abilities with a specific emphasis on the techniques and strategies the learners employed in paraphrasing outside sources in their original compositions. The presenter found that language learners? paraphrasing strategies differ according to their level of mastery of the target language. The results of this project offered insight to the teachers in how to guide students in citing third party texts appropriately and references in personal writing.
Chiranjivi Sharma?s Dealing with the Building Blocks of Writing Compositions highlighted the problem of not being able to create effective compositions. The paper discussed techniques of writing effective paragraphs as prerequisite of a composition.
Big Class, Few Resources Activities by Christine Stone talked about the issues of the availability of few resources in teaching a big class in the developing countries like Nepal. The workshop also involved the participants in some general activities that can be adapted to any level and type of school where this is difficult.
Communicative Activities for Research Paper Writing by Corrie Wien presented communicative activities that help students improve such skills as avoiding plagiarism, using a variety of reporting verbs effectively, and practicing effective source integration. Participants also tried out some of these activities during the workshop and leave with handouts detailing others.
Daniel Stead?s Paraphrase Power: Paraphrasing Tasks that Support Language Development focused on the teaching of paraphrasing as a powerful tool for language learning and development. It also explored what paraphrasing is, how it is done, and why it is such an important but underemphasized language skill. The workshop showed how structured practice in both written and oral paraphrasing can help students expand their vocabulary and knowledge of grammatical structures and improve both productive and receptive language skills. The workshop was interactive, and audience participation was expected.
Authentic Language in the Classroom: Teaching Spoken English with Video by David Norton focused on strategies to use authentic language video clips as an interesting and accessible context to develop awareness of spoken English pragmatic devices and vocabulary. The presentation included sample mini-lessons and a discussion of possible sources of authentic language for classroom analysis and conclude with a discussion of other possible language forms to focus on using this technology, and a note on how to best meet the needs of your particular students using authentic language.
Teaching Effectively through Project Based Learning (PBL) by Dhundi Raj Giri gave a talk on how Project Based Learning (PBL) aims to teach the students without textbooks involving them in the real tasks in real life experiences to develop communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. PBL can be effectively used in EFL classroom.
Teaching Writing through Short Stories by Dilruba Jahan and Ms. Sarah Asefa Zaman demonstrated the effectiveness of short stories in teaching writing to the first year students with empirical data. Data were collected from the learners? performance in group works, discussions, and from the end products. The findings indicated that using short story facilitate students? writing skill more effectively because of the motivational benefit rooted in the stories.
Dilruba Jahan and Sarah Asefa Zaman?s Using Literary Texts/Poetry Writing in ESL/EFL Classes illustrated the benefits of using literary texts ( poetry/ short stories) in ESL/EFL classes to motivate students to use English in different situations as it will improve not only their understanding of the target language but also improve their vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.
Benefits of Reading Strategy Instructions by Dilruba Jahan presented how reading has been a gateway to all other knowledge. She shared how students, in Bangladesh, are exposed to reading comprehensions from a young age, yet their performance at the tertiary level is not quite satisfactory. This paper also aimed to discover the strategies used to teach reading in different language courses in some private universities in Bangladesh, effectiveness of these strategies and, keeping the context in mind, it tries to offer some useful strategies for the language teachers.
A Radio Programme in English by NELTA Sindhuli: Exciting Experience by Dinesh Raj Dahal and Khemraj Dhungel (Pramod) shared their exciting experience of running a radio programme at rural EFL setting of Nepal under NELTA Sindhuli, in the mid-eastern part of Nepal. They have been running a radio programme in English for one year. It has successfully completed more than 30 episodes. The goal of the programme is to assist English language learners, teachers, trainers and other who are interested in English language in general and English language pedagogy in particular. This talk session
English Language Teaching Aids in Under-Resourced Classrooms by Durga Prasad Pandeya offered variety of techniques on designing and using various contextual language teaching learning aids and materials in under-resourced classrooms especially for elementary school children. Moreover, this paper also dealt with communicative way of language learning and multipurpose usage of the same teaching tool with no more consumption of time and energy if a language teacher is conscious in the language class.
Eak Prasad Duwadi?s Use of Local Myths in Teaching EFL facilitated ELT practitioners to help their students learn examples of some grammatical rules and to create stories by using local myths, stories based on tradition which has a deep symbolic meaning. The great power of the meaning of myths, to the culture in which they developed, is a major reason why they survive for thousands of years. Uses of Local Myths in Teaching EFL Class draw students? attention in class since it assists them become more imaginative and resourceful.
Engaging Students into Developing Rubrics to Ensure Learner Autonomy by Effat Hyder and Hasna Khanom focused on how students can be involved in setting the rubric for group, pair or individual writing tasks or speaking presentations and also discusses the effectiveness of this involvement in ensuring learner autonomy.
Human Rights and the English Classroom: A Practical Activities Workshop by Elizabeth M. Muller demonstrated practical activities including games, worksheets, discussions, and debates that can be utilized and adapted by teachers of all levels to educate students not only to be conscientious citizens of their own communities and countries, but of the world. Additionally, this paper also talked about how incorporating human rights and tolerance education into the English language classroom can foster understanding and open-mindedness, while also teaching positive and empowering human rights language and law to English learners of all ages.
The workshop Inter-Textuality in the Teaching of Reading by Ercilia Delancer was intended to demonstrate that EFL students who aspire to study in an American university would benefit from learning how to read pieces of text and to connect them to other reading materials in their own culture and other fields. Inter-textuality refers to the interdependent ways in which a text stands in relation to one another (as well as to the culture at large) to create meaning. So, the students must be familiar with the repeated uses of metaphors, alliterations, clich?s, allusions, quotations, parodies and other literary devices form an integral part of the text to generate meaning.
Esmat Azizi?s presentation on Newsletter and Motivation talked about how writing newsletter is one of the best ways to combat this common problem, as it brings about an element of authenticity to their writing. It was a four-week long project, in which a group of five or six students completes an actual four-page newsletter. Each student writes at least one article on the topic of his or her choice. The emphasis is on originality, creativity, fun and teamwork.
Is Writing really Difficult or we Do Make it? by Faisal Naseer highlighted the fact that most teachers are accustomed to teach writing skills with a strong focus on completing syllabus, teaching grammar, intensive exercises and tasks based on isolated expressions and sentences. This brings students to bookish knowledge and experiences, whereas, the fresh minds could do wonders if their imagination is properly stimulated.
The Need for Nepal Studies and CLIL (Content Language Integrated Learning): Combining the Study of English and Social Studies by Sudhir K Jha, Babita Labh Kayastha, Hem Raj Khatiwada, Narayan Prasad Sharma and Ewan Davies looked at important aspects of syllabus design of Nepal Studies within the GCE A Level curriculum framework in Nepal. In collaboration with Ministry of Education, the Curriculum Development Centre, principals of A Level schools and the British Council a syllabus design approach has been completed that integrates important aspects of both Social Studies content knowledge and the English Language. This paper discusses the importance of combining the teaching of content knowledge through the medium of English.
The presentation Teaching English in large and under-resourced classes by Farzana Lodhi focused on the classroom practices of an English language class in Hyderabad Pakistan. The findings posit that the professional training has impacted practices more than the size of the classroom.
Submitting Our ?Gems? for Publication in English Teaching Forum, and other professional journals, a presentation, by Fife MacDuff highlighted the issue that English teaching practitioners are sometimes reluctant to submit for publication. He explained that often what needs to be done is not clear and the supposition is that it is far too complicated. A step-by-step walk through the process, using English Teaching Forum as an example, will help future authors develop the confidence to submit their contributions.
Native Speech in Non-Native Classrooms: An Effective Tool for Teaching Pronunciation by Fauzia Janjua aimed at presenting her finding on the effectiveness of the use of native speech in English language classrooms. The results of the study were compared with the help of t-test and it was found that experimental group spoke English with more native like accent and was able to understand native speech quickly as compared to control group. The results of the study call for the use of native speech listening material in the spoken language classrooms to develop the pronunciation skills of second language learners.
Reflection- Mirror in Teaching, a Poster Presentation by Ganesh Gnawali discussed that most of us see our face in the mirror daily and remove our marks but how often do we observe ourselves professionally? He raised a question, ?Do we need to see our past and reflect on it?
I?ve been Doing the Same for a Decade, a presentation by Ganesh Shrestha & Ashok Raj Khati initiated discussions and presented some experiences of six English language teachers from around the globe to give an example of how can the monotony of English language teachers in under-resourced part of Nepal generally find their profession, i.e. teaching English, monotonous and boring both inside and outside of the classroom.
Gary Cook?s presentation on Vocabulary Testing for Dummies? Starting from Scratch talked about the process of designing, an engaging computer-based vocabulary test to help with freshman and Sophomore to improve their English to better represent the words used in the BECC curriculum.
Assessment ? an indispensable Part of the Curriculum, a presentation by Gayatri Khanna highlighted the issue that a curriculum is what constitutes a total learning-teaching program composed of overall aims, syllabus, materials, methods and assessment. Assessment, not only measures the progress and achievement of the learners, but also the effectiveness of the teaching materials and methods used for transaction. Hence, it should be viewed as a component of curriculum with the twin purpose of effective delivery and further improvement in the teaching-learning process. Thus, assessment improves a student?s performance by identifying his/ her learning difficulties at regular time intervals and employing suitable remedial measures for enhancing their learning performance.
Gayatri Khanna?s presentation on Dictionary: Indispensable Part of Life highlighted the fact that the use of dictionary can never be undermined to everybody who uses language, especially to students, teachers, and researchers. The average language user (and often translator) relies on a dictionary as authoritative source of information. It is not merely a compilation of words with their meanings but also their right utterance, syllable structure; part of speech, usage and etymology. Idiomatic expressions and phrasal verbs are often too difficult to guess, thereby necessitating the use of dictionaries. Clearly the dictionary improves students? writing skills with practical tips and step-by-step guidance through the planning, writing, and editing stages. Rightly so, then most people typically refer to the dictionary; not a dictionary.
Auto-ethnography: An Emerging Trend in Research, a presentation by Gokul Sharma, focused on how auto-ethnography emerged and its style of writing. Auto-ethnography is grounded on the postmodern philosophy and is linked to growing debate about reflexivity and voice in social research. In auto-ethnography, the author explores the state of understanding auto-ethnography as a research method and describes the experience of an emerging qualitative researcher in learning about this new and challenging genre of inquiry.
Gopal Prasad Bashyal?s presentaion on Learner Autonomy: Enabling Learners as Self-directed Learners talked about strategies that help them make the learners more independent, self-directed learners.
Gopal Sharma?s presentaion on Wrappers and Teaching Beyond the Text-Book focused on how Wrappers (realia) brought in classroom stimulate spoken or written language production. Its value in fostering an active teaching-learning makes English language input comprehensible. It builds an associative bridge between the classroom and the world around learners. These wrappers describe the ways of target culture and understanding. These are sets of teaching aids that simulate experience in the target culture. They give multi-sensory impressions like seeing, touching, and manipulating. These authentic materials are contextual and students bring into contact with language in the target culture. They enhance vocabulary, and are language learning tools beyond the classroom text books.
Gyanu Dahal and Bikash Rimal?s presentation on ?Analyzing and Addressing Forgetting Problem among School Children? focused on one of the common problems among the school children. It explored the causes of forgetting in the context of our school children and suggests some ways to minimize the problems. It has close relationship with the ways of presenting the lesson. The session tried to link different theoretical aspects and their practical application in our context.
Hannah Haegeland?s Teaching Hamro English: Developing Critical Thinking Skills highlighted how the English classroom is an ideal place to develop critical thinking skills. Emphasizing the unique capacity of every individual student to contribute is pivotal if we are to graduate thoughtful students who are responsibly engaged with the world.
Hannah Haegeland?s presentation on ?Teaching Creative and Analytical English Writing in the Nepali Classroom? stressed how to teach analytical or essay-writing and creative writing?including poetry, ?free-writing,? stories, and descriptive pieces?to students.
Hannah Haegeland?s presentation on ?The Globalization of English: Contextualizing Language Learning in the Nepali Classroom? showed how EFL teachers in Nepal can make the language relevant to the South Asian, and specifically Nepali context for better learning and comprehension
Hari Maya Sharma?s presentation on ?Just 45 minutes; 40 Students and Teaching Reading Interactively: How? suggested some steps to involve students in reading activities even in a short lesson in a large class. The presenter also shared interactive reading lesson in which the students participate in the reading activities.
Harry Samuel?s presentation on ?Interview Role Play? demonstrated a lesson in which members of the audience participate in a simulation of an interview. Some play the roles of interviewers and others play the people being interviewed. Problem solving skills are also practiced through participating in a selection process. This activity can be performed using a variety of situations including an employment interview, a university admissions interview, an academic exchange interview, and many others.
Task Based Language Teaching, a presentation by Hikmat Bahadur Oli and Mukund Kumar Giri shed light on the emergence of TBLT, its theoretical foundation, framework, components, types of tasks, procedures and advantages.
Ishwor Adhikari?s presentation on English Language, Globalization and Teachers? Role focused on English as an interdependent global village with discussion on how teachers stimulate, participate and link lessons with real life world.
Teaching Oral Communication Skills using Task Based Method, a presentation by Ishwor Prasad Kadel, described the applications of the task-based approach to teach oral communication skills in an academic setting. A course ?Oral Communication Skills? is taught to the language learners from any walks of life.
James Stabler-Havener?s presentation on ?Using the Action-Research process to Develop Teaching Themes in State Curriculum? introduced the participants to the cyclical techniques of action-research (1. identifying a problem, 2. systematic data collection, 3. analysis, 4. reflection, 5. data-driven action, and 6. problem reformulation.) to address practical classroom challenges and then was described how action research can be used to develop teaching themes.
Janak Raj Pant and Ram Prasad Niraula?s presentation on English Through Games and Rhymes: An Initiative for Child-friendly Teaching presented some techniques and tips for applying games and rhymes in an English language for making the teaching learning activities fun for the students and easy going for the teachers who have to deal with the students of varying levels.
Using Innovative Methodology on Task-Based Language Teaching, a presentation by Janakie Chandrani Jayalakshmi Gunatilake involved the participants in group activities. Each group got a picture to describe so, they have to study it carefully and contribute their own ideas.
Off the Page, On the Air by Joseph Dwaileebe showed that listening activities can be created to fit materials being taught in any of the other skill areas and in grammar. A wide range of original exercises were presented and the participants, after doing them, discussed and evaluated their merit.
How to Check Meaning? by Jovan Ilic explored ways of how to check that your students understand language. A review of traditional techniques was followed by a focus on ?concept check questions? and ?time-lines?; on why they work, and more importantly, on how to do them.
On Testing by Jovan Ilic reviewed the main types of tests that are administered, in particular achievement and proficiency tests. He then looked at the three key indicators in determining whether a test would be effective: Validity, Reliability and Practicality.
Received Pronunciation as Panacea for Second Language Learners, a presentation by K. Balasubramanian projected RP as the standard model for learning English pronunciation. Then the presentation was followed by the discussion that English teaching/learning would become holistic only when its pronunciation is emphasized.
Kamal Poudel and Padam Chauhan?s presentation on ?Facilitating Learners? Reading Efficiency? focused on facilitating learners? reading efficiency involving communicative activities. The workshops gave away some handy ideas that can be replicated in classroom while doing reading lessons.
Growing Without Tears: Games and Activities in the EFL Context, a presentation by Kamal Poudel and Florence Droza concentrated on how language learning can be made easy. Learning a new language is always a big challenge to the students in the context where they have to memorise and follow the rules in a structural pattern. If the learning of foreign language is accompanied with the games and activities that involve them more actively, the learning enhancement will be in smooth move which is characterised by the first language acquisition. The learning slowly moves towards the pattern of acquisition, and this enables the learners grow the linguistic skills without anxiety.
Kamal Raj Devkota?s presentation on ?Teaching Free Writing: Link with the Real-Life Experience of the Learners? shared the classroom practices that the presenter carried out while teaching it to the students using semi-controlled and free activities that enhanced free writing skills.
Kamal Raj Lamsal?s presentation on ?Critical Thinking in the Classroom? aimed at helping teachers design activities for fostering critical thinking, e.g. 1. What letter is next in this sequence? M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, __. 2. Which is faster, heat or cold?
Use of Internet in Teaching of English at Undergraduate Level by Karandikar Vallabh Shankar dealt with different uses of the Internet, which has given a new dimension to our modern digital world, in the process of teaching of English as the Internet and English are inseparable from each other. The Internet provides various types of reference materials and sources, which are extremely useful for teaching of English at undergraduate level.
Teaching of English Narratives in India, a presentation by Kavita Ashok Chouhan and Niteen Vasant Dandekar focused on the teaching methods used for the teaching of English narratives. It focused on the feasibility of various teaching methods in teaching and learning of English narratives in India.
Word: Root of Creativity by Keshab Prasad Joshi and Dib Bahadur Sherbuja focused on encouraging the students not to use the same words and sentences repeatedly for better writing skills. They discussed on the issue that students should be inspired to produce varieties of sentences which is ultimately ?answer in own words.?
Shared Experiences: Collaborative Learning Theory, Methodologies and Techniques, a presentation by Kevin Ramsden explained the advantages of collaborative learning as an effective model of learning/teaching, and looked at why it is believed to contribute to a more positive learning experience for a broad cross-section of students at the high school level and undergraduate level in tertiary institutions.
Kh. Atikur Rahman and Md. Nurunnabi?s presentation on Use of ICTs in English Teachers? Professional Development in Bangladesh shared the opportunities created and the challenges faced while using ICTs in teachers? PD.
Developing the Art of Interpretation: A Pedagogical Device by Khedkar Sandip Prabhakar attempted to explore possibilities of interpretations to use in the teaching of celebrated poems.
Creating a Communicative Context to Develop a News Story by Khila Sharma Pokharel revolved round the features of communicative language teaching and its application to developing a news story in a communicative context with very limited resources.
Dictionaries and Foreign Language Learning by Krishna Niroula and Phatik Poudel highlight the importance of dictionaries in teaching and learning language and how it assists second language acquisition. Furthermore, they also presented the theories with activities to use a dictionary effectively in a language classroom.
Culture Issue in English Language Teaching by Krishna Prasad Suwal focused on gathering the views of the participants on is it good or bad to incorporate our cultures in teaching English with rationale to incorporate culture in an English classroom.
Critical Thinking Strategies: Useful Tools to Foster Creativity and Increase Learner-centeredness in EFL/ESL Classes by Lal Bahadur Rana and Bimal Nepali highlighted how critical thinking strategies have been used to help learners develop higher level of thinking. However, they have also been found to be very instrumental in order to foster creativity among the learners, and to increase learner-centeredness in EFL/ ESL classes, because those strategies require learners to carry out various kinds of activities on their own.
Laxman Gnawali in ELT Conferences and Teacher Professional Development: Exploring the Thread deliberated that English teaching professionals attend ELT conferences for a number of reasons: some may attend to get new teaching tips while others may come to network with colleagues from another country. Whatever intentions the attendees may have, the conference experience is an opportunity for their professional growth and development. But for the experience to become professionally enriching, the attendees must know how to best avail from these professional events.
In the presentation, Handwriting Improvement through Different Activities by Laxmi Aryal explained that handwriting is not a big issue in the language classroom. The presenter addressed the following questions. Why handwriting problem isn?t focused in the classroom? Is copying only the way to improve handwriting?
Which Accent to Follow? by Laxmi Bahadur Maharjan dealt with the significance of the accent in every English language teacher. An intelligible accent is always considered a characteristic feature of not only an English language teacher but all and it enhances our will power and personality. There are no good or bad accents. Accents are all absolute. Any inadequate instruction in speech/pronunciation can result in a complete breakdown in communication.
Activities for Large Classes by Lisa Roegner deliberated that trying to create student-centered activities in a large class of 50 or more students can be challenging for many instructors regardless of the learning context. However, there are some ways to make such classes less teacher centered and more dynamic for second language learners.
Empowering Trainee Teachers to Use Drama and Theatre-in-Education in their Classes by Logamurthie Athiemoolam provided an account of the strategies implemented in the English methodology class to empower trainee teachers with skills to use drama and theatre- in-education in their classes. The focus of the training is on experiential learning whereby students are provided with the contexts for their own creative pieces. Some of the techniques that students are exposed to include short role play exercises, frozen image building, the creation of improvised plays and the use of short scripts for play production. The students are also afforded opportunities to create their own piece of theatre which they present to an audience.
Using Art as a Tool in ELT by Mobindra Regmi explained that expression through art is sometimes more effective than expression through words. Many learners may find it more comfortable to use art as a means for expression, especially if they are reluctant or unable to use words instead. Afterwards, the art form can be translated into words through description or reflection as spoken or written activity in English Language classroom. This session looks into ways that medium of art can be useful in the field of English Language Teaching. After all, as the old adage goes, ?A picture is worth a thousand words.?
Madhu Neupane (Bastola)?s Strengthening Teacher Association for Professional Development discussed that the role of Teacher Associations for professional development of teachers cannot be overemphasized. In the present day world no knowledge can be used for long time; only truth in this dynamic world is ?change?. The idea of a person as an expert has now been questionable. Teacher Associations are helping teachers grow professionally by taking their situations into consideration, by providing them with the platform to share their ideas and learn from each other and create knowledge locally. The strength of any teacher association lies in the preparation and implementation of strategic planning. This presentation helped the participants to strengthen Teachers Associations by giving them the practical ideas for preparing strategic planning
Incorporating Literary Texts in EFL Classroom for Creative Writing by Madhukar K.C. discussed that the role of an English teacher today is not just to teach students, but to make them self-dependent learners .The success of a teacher depends upon how he remains in motivates students to use their creative energy. Ironically, creative writing and creativity is rarely dealt with in EFL classrooms in Nepal because of teachers? belief that their students can ever create something of their own. This presentation focuses on how the teachers can motivate their students for creative writing using various literary texts.
Improving Handwriting of EFL Learners by Mandira Adhikari Nibedita Sharma presented the findings of an action research carried out with the primary level students in order to improve their handwriting. Thirty-eight participants of the action research had problems with their handwriting: the problem was greater when they shifted their handwriting from four line cursive writing notebook to two line normal notebook.
Manju Basnet and Shailaja Jha?s Techniques for Teaching Vocabulary in EFL Context involved the participants in various activities with the aim to develop vocabulary without making learners feel threatened. It also presented innovative strategies which made the presentation more enjoyable experience for both participants and the presenter.
The session Use of Mini-Speeches in ESL Classroom by Mark (Max) Dodds dealt with the use of ?mini-speeches? in the classroom to help students develop the ability to briefly and logically state their point of view using appropriate vocabulary after which they must defend their view by answering classmates? questions. The session included methods of eliciting topics, and some practical exercises to build the vocabulary needed for the speeches.
Teachers Benefiting from Researching their Own Practice by Mark Wyatt presented how the teachers can benefit from researching their own practice. This paper reported on a University of Leeds BA TESOL project in Oman with in-service primary and secondary school teachers of English. The BA TESOL encouraged the participating teachers to engage in research projects of their choice for their final year dissertations. Benefits reported by the teachers were discussed, as were lessons that could be drawn from this experience that were applicable to other geographical and educational contexts.
The session presented by Muhammad Saeed Akhter on Impact of Syllabus on ELT Methodology: SAARC Countries Perspective explored the impact of syllabus on English language teaching methodology in SAARC countries. The sample of the study was 1040 students and 340 teachers of English, selected randomly. The findings indicated that the present syllabuses did not conform to the requirements of the effective methodology for teaching English. Suggestions were given for process oriented and task based syllabus.
Symposium on Creative Writing presented by Maya Rai Motikala Subba Dewan Sarita Dewan discussed various aspects of creative writing activities for teaching English. This symposium was a part of regular activity of Asian Teachers? Creative Group. In this symposium, they proposed to involve participants in the following creative writing activities and discuss how those activities can be applied in teaching English.
1. Writing poems
2. Performing creative writing (e.g. Slam poetry)
3. Story writing
Md. Abdullah Al Mamu and Rasel Babu?s presentation on We Want to Learn English: Voices from Bangladeshi Learners presented the result of the study which explored secondary level learners? motivation for learning English. Data were collected from 400 secondary students and 10 English language teachers of ten secondary schools of two different districts of Bangladesh. Data had been gathered through students? questionnaire, focused group discussion (FGD) with students and English teachers? interview schedule. Six students participated in each FGD. Data had been analyzed following both qualitative and quantitative approaches of research. Findings of the study showed that Bangladeshi learners have different sources of motivation for learning English like passing exam, getting good job, using modern technology, upgrading self status in society etc.
Leveraging Mobile Phones to Make Bangladesh?s ?Vision 2021? a Reality by Md. Sikander Mondol reported on English in Action?s (EIA) field test of mobile phones, audio and visual resources and portable rechargeable speakers to realize the government?s goal of creating a ?Digital Bangladesh?. Drawing on qualitative and quantitative data, described the uptake, results of how these kits help both teachers, and students learn communicative English.
Ensuring Fairness in Marking Students? Writing: The Question of Inter-Marker Reliability presented by Md. Zulfeqar Haider Takad Ahmed Chowdhury explored the way students? writings are marked by the different markers at selected private universities in Bangladesh. The study addressed two questions ? do all markers follow the same criteria while marking a piece of writing? and, do test takers know the criteria used by the markers? The paper compares the marks awarded to selected samples of writing by several markers and collects the views of markers and test takers. The findings showed little evidence of inter-marker reliability. It was also evident that the test takers were not made aware of the criteria used for marking their writing.
Mehedi Kayser Pabitra?s Business World in Language Classrooms: An Effective Language Acquisition Model presented a simulation model of an authentic communicative platform to develop students? business communication skills in speaking, reading and writing. Carried out for a group of ESL/EFL Business English course students, intended to help them experience business world settings inside and outside the classroom, the paper discussed the teaching techniques, the learning outcomes, and the stages of the simulation model. It also outlined the major benefits, hindrances and suggestions of simulations for ESL/EFL classrooms.
This paper cum workshop on Strategies in Teaching Listening by Molly Jo Gorevan and Sarala Bhattarai deliberated easy way to teach listening skill. The approach discussed in this paper offered a means of empowering teachers to help students deal with problems in listening movement. This paper discussed the method of listening. It is important to prepare the students for the listening by setting the context, introducing vocabularies and ideas and helping the learners predict what they will hear concentrating on extensive and intensive listening.
Mostan Zida Alnoor?s ?Does Open and Distance Learning work for Teachers? Professional Development?? discussed the idea that the teachers always need scope for continuous learning. In Bangladesh, on-going support remains limited. English in Action? has opted for a specific mode of Open and Distance Learning (ODL). ODL is an advanced step of distance learning which attempts to make learners? learning easier by freeing them from constrains of time and place and offers flexible learning opportunities (UNESCO, 2003).
The paper on Changing Teaching: Changing learning by Mostan Zida Alnoor Sharmistha Das focused on how students? learning is strongly linked to the quality of teaching and teachers? professional development. Improving the quality of teaching does mean changing teachers? beliefs on learning, their thinking and understanding of classroom practices. In Bangladesh, professional development is a challenging concept, especially in relation to life long-learning and reflective practices. In this situation, English in Action (EIA)-has initiated an innovative technology-driven teacher training and supports programme including, periodic face-to-face support, distance support and peer learning. This paper focused on the successes and challenges of the pilot phase of this initiative.
The Lens of Linguistic Difference and Institutional Interactional Practices in Pakistan presented by Mohammed Ali khan used the lens of linguistic difference to interpret the concrete discursive practices of four research sites in Pakistan. The findings suggested that understanding of the socio-economic inequality of local actors is and investigates these gives insights into the ways participant respond to ELT teaching on their everyday institutional lives.
Translation has crossed innumerable bends. In its journey from ?random practice? to systematic ?translation studies?, numerous scholars have appeared, and contributed a lot in consolidating its trademark. Remaining in touch with them, Nabaraj Neupane?s Strategies Applied in the Translation of Nepali Culture-Bound Terms into English attempted to analyse its different definitions and perspectives, traced out major gaps and recommended some of the major strategies to bridge the gaps which occur in translating culture-bound terms in English. Newmark (1988), Hervey and Higgins (1992), and Harvey (2000), are adapted in the context of translating Nepali texts into English, in cases of ?Socrates Footsteps?, ?Muglan? and ?Blue Mimosa?.
Critical Thinking in ELT Classroom by Narendra Narayan showed how critical thinking enables the teachers and learners to determine their own criteria and accurate facts on the basis of plausible sources, how it is precise for a lifelong learning, unbiased and free from logical fallacies. How it equips with logically consistent and strong reasoning power.
In Motivate your Students in EFL Classroom by Narendra Singh Dhami and Ashok Raj Khati presented that learner motivation has a powerful influence in language that makes the learning productive. It is very easy to tell others: ?motivate the students?. But how to motivate the students is not an easy job. Moreover, motivation in teaching EFL is different from that of teaching other subjects. In the National Curriculum for the Secondary levels, there is hardly any focus on English Literature in the English syllabus. Students in Dhaka University face great difficulty in tackling literature.
Introducing Literature Critically and Creatively to Bangladeshi University Students by Dr. Nevin Farida and Begum Shahnaz Sinha aimed to show how we meet the needs of our learners. They drew upon the techniques of close reading and stylistics to develop their critical and creative abilities in order to respond to literature. The workshop presented the approach and shared some of the materials and activities used.
Niteen Vasant Dabdekar and Kavita Ashok Chouhan?s presentation on Teaching of English through Literature focused on the use of literature as an innovative technique for teaching basic language skills LSRW and grammar in multilingual India. It also focused on the feasibility of using literature in teaching language. It studies the issues, challenges and opportunities in the use of literature for the teaching language. At a young age, we are taught to tolerate and even embrace the innate differences each person possesses. Why then, do educational practices continue to standardize instruction for a uniformity in students, which does not exist? Differentiated Instruction refers to an educational approach in which instruction and assessment are altered to accommodate the needs of every individual student.
English for Everyone: Differentiating ELT Instruction and Assessment by Olivia Drabczyk highlighted valuable practices of differentiation to implement in the ELT classroom; and emphasized the imperative of transitioning ELT in Nepal from rote learning and memorization to a multi-faceted approached in which each individual student can flourish.
Parash Malla and Janak Raj Pant?s Web-Based Learning Materials: Boon for the ELT Classroom presented some techniques/tips for applying online resources in an English language class for making the teaching learning activities fun for the students of varying levels and interest, moving from traditional classroom practices making the transition smooth. The participants were provided with a set of CDs based on British Council website.
Teaching English as a Gateway to Diverse and Integrated Learning by Parvati C. Mazumdar demonstrated how English Language teaching learning can become an instrument to widen students? conceptual learning of different subjects other than what is traditionally considered English Language and Literature syllabus. Teacher-participants learnt how to use grade appropriate texts and multi-media to enhance listening, oral and writing skills of students. This model of integrated teaching-learning of English with other subject areas will enable English language teachers in primary, secondary and non-formal settings, to enhance their given curriculum using local resources and drawing upon the experiential knowledge of their students in a constructivist way.
Principles of L2 Vocabulary Learning by Paul Joyce deliberated that the acquisition of vocabulary is an extremely important part of L2 language and teaching. However, in order to develop your lexical knowledge as quickly and efficiently as possible, it is important to understand the principles of vocabulary learning. This workshop helped participants to develop a framework for their vocabulary acquisition by addressing such questions as: How many words do you need to know? What does it mean to know a word? How should you learn vocabulary?
Language Choice and Religious Identities: Pedagogical Implications by Phyllis Ghim-Lian CHEW presented that each language carries the particularities of its socio-cultural and historical contexts and each language cuts markers on the landscapes, maps out the cognitive terrain and provides the thought pathways whereby we may habitually traverse. This paper was a comparative study of language choice and religious identities of three Singapore madrasas. The study revealed how language chance or the medium of instruction, be it Arabic, Malay or English influence, is intricately connected to religious identities as manifested in an array of classroom semiotics and pedagogical practices. The methodology used includes ethnographic research methods ranging from field notes, participant observations, audio and video tapes to interviews with pupils, teachers, and parents.
Vocabulary Comes First by Prassanna Karki and Tika Maya Rai discussed that teaching vocabulary is essential. It can be taught in various ways. They shared ideas on teaching and learning of vocabulary through games, songs and pictures for enhanced English language learning.
How Communicative is the Communicative Approach? :The German Teacher?s Experience by Pratiti Shirin stated although reservations remain, the English language classroom has accepted CLT as the dominant approach to teach English. The German language teaching classroom is no exception. But how communicative is the communicative approach really?
Children?s rights to acquire basic education through Mother Tongue by Praveen Kumar Yadav discussed that Nepal is a home of diverse linguistic communities with more than 92 languages. The children with mother tongues other than Nepali cannot compete with Nepali speaking children. They feel inferior, isolated, or incompetent and are forced to remain as a disadvantaged group in our school situation. There is low enrollment of non-Nepali speaking children at primary level, their low achievement and higher dropouts. The present paper made an advocacy for children?s right to acquire basic education through Mother Tongue.
Experience from a Bangladeshi Primary School: Milestone in English Learning by Pushpen Chandra Paul focused on how a primary school and its community can be helpful for the tender aged students for practicing English language. Motivated learners, devoted teachers, sincere school administration, joyful learning environment, enthusiastic parents and community found as the components behind the success.
Rabeya Binte Habib?s Teacher Education Policy in Bangladesh: Gap to be Bridged dealt with the fact that the government of Bangladesh has also become serious in promoting ELT in order to gain economic growth Despite taking different plans and projects, the teacher training program in Bangladesh did not develop efficiently to meet the demand of time. This empirical research delved into the prospects and challenges of EFL teacher education at pre-university level with a view to closing the gap between policy level expectations and actual practices.
Muteness in Teaching: an Awesome Practice by Raj Kishor Chaudhary and Kishori Sharan Yadav?s explained that communication in the ELT Classroom generally takes place in the aural-oral form. Non-Verbal communication (NVC) is also one of the vital ways of communication. NVC is communication through sending and receiving wordless messages. His presentation shared that an understanding of NVC can improve the effectiveness of communication.
Raju shrestha?s Current practice of TPD: From insiders? perspective presented current practices of teacher professional development in. He shared findings of the investigation about the potential areas of teacher development practice and explored the ground reality. This paper concluded with the practical ways to enhance teacher professional development practice focusing on local solutions to local problems.
Cambridge Advanced English Test at a Glance by Ram Sharan Dhakal focused on a general overview of Cambridge Advanced English (CAE) offered by Cambridge University ESOL.
Ramesh Khatri?s Attitudes of Student-Teachers towards Practice Teaching Programme presented attitudes of student-teachers towards practice teaching at Tribhuvan University. Practice teaching aims at helping students put their theoretical knowledge of teaching into practice and work jointly with and learn from teachers and supervisors. A questionnaire was constructed and administered to 90 informants. It was found that 72.38% respondents have positive; 20.31% have negative and remaining 6.84% respondents have neither positive nor negative attitudes towards the programme.
Rasel Babu?s Learning English at Primary Level: Fun, not
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